Kudan topographic map
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About this map
Name: Kudan topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Kudan, Kaduna State, Nigeria (11.14951 7.61809 11.37778 7.87750)
Average elevation: 660 m
Minimum elevation: 613 m
Maximum elevation: 714 m
Other topographic maps
Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.
Kaduna North
The topographical relief is relatively flat, having an elevation of between 600 and 650 metres in large areas of the local government. It is over 650 metres above mean sea level (a.m.s.l.) in some places, and below 500 metres in places that slope downward towards the river.
Average elevation: 609 m
Kaduna South
Nigeria > Kaduna State > Kaduna South > Kakuri Hausa > Kaduna South
Average elevation: 599 m